Council Post: 14 Tips To Ensure Freelancers Understand An Agency's Goals

Council Post: 14 Tips To Ensure Freelancers Understand An Agency's Goals

Quick summary:

1. Below, members of Forbes Agency Council share their best tips for making sure freelancers understand the goals of the agency and the specifics of the projects they've been assigned.

2. Whether an agency is temporarily understaffed or wants to bring contractors in to work with its internal teams on a consistent basis, it's critical for agency leaders to ensure all parties understand timelines, deliverables and other expectations.

3. You need to bring freelancers and contractors a clearly articulated vision of the project and arm them with the assets and information they will need up front.

4. Whether it's in writing or shared in a meeting, all teams should be briefed on the project goals, objectives, milestones, deadlines and any creative aspects

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Council Post: 14 Tips To Ensure Freelancers Understand An Agency's Goals

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