Journalism school is broken and expensive. Jessica Huseman will teach you for cheap(er

Journalism school is broken and expensive. Jessica Huseman will teach you for cheap(er

Recent highlights:

1. At the risk of starting another Twitter Discourse, whether or not journalism school is worth the price tag depends on why you're going to journalism school, what you're looking to get out of it, and if the programs in your price range will get you to master new skills and set you up to get a job in this turbulent industry.

2. Huseman knows she can't fix every journalism school (If I was queen for a day, what I would honestly do is fire every journalism professor and hire adjuncts working in the field.

3. This past September, Huseman launched The Friendly State News, a company that provides low-cost trainings to newsrooms and freelance journalists who want to learn concrete skills

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Journalism school is broken and expensive. Jessica Huseman will teach you for cheap(er

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