Postage prices are rising — again — as inflation woes hit the US Postal Service's budget. Here's how much it will cost you

Postage prices are rising — again — as inflation woes hit the US Postal Service's budget. Here's how much it will cost you

Recent highlights:

1. The Forever stamp will increase from 60 to 63 cents, amounting to the third increase for the non-expiring stamp in the last year and a half, according to USPS data.

2.   The price of postage is about to increase as the US Postal Service works to wrangle its cost of operations amid economic inflation. 

3. The postmaster general said in August that service would require a rate increase as inflation was predicted to add over $1 billion to the USPS budget, according to The Associated Press.

4.  Read more: A 29-year-old who traded in her office job for the male-dominated locksmith industry explains how the career pivot re-energized her creativity: 'It can be something that brings you joy

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Postage prices are rising — again — as inflation woes hit the US Postal Service's budget. Here's how much it will cost you

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