3 Freelancing Life-Hacks for Young Pros in the Modern Working World - IT News Africa - Up to date technology news, IT news, Digital news, Telecom news, Mobile news, Gadgets news, Analysis and Reports

3 Freelancing Life-Hacks for Young Pros in the Modern Working World - IT News Africa - Up to date technology news, IT news, Digital news, Telecom news, Mobile news, Gadgets news, Analysis and Reports

Recent highlights:

1. The research indicated key growth areas, with a 23% increase in demand for project-related skills, such as Project and Programme Managers, Agile Coaches, and Scrum Masters, a 20% growth in demand for Strategy Consultants, 18% growth in demand for financial services-focused roles such as Quants, Actuaries and Financial Risk Specialists and a 17% increase in demand for tech and data-related roles such as Data Analysts and Data Architects.

2. So says Johann van Niekerk, CEO and MD of Africa at Outsized, a leading talent on-demand platform that matches independent consultants and professional freelancers to the financial services and management consulting sectors across Asia, the Middle East, and Africa

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3 Freelancing Life-Hacks for Young Pros in the Modern Working World - IT News Africa - Up to date technology news, IT news, Digital news, Telecom news, Mobile news, Gadgets news, Analysis and Reports

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