Signing a Memorandum of Understanding and Project Integration Agreement with Helvetic Payroll Signing a Memorandum of Understanding and Project Integration Agreement with Helvetic Payroll

Recent highlights:

1. Com (EUROEXT PARIS - FR0004187367 - ALFRE), the leader in relations between companies and their external talents announces that he signed a Memorandum of Understanding, as well as the draft contributions agreement, provided that the Conditions of the precedent in the merger With Helvetic Payroll (HP Group), Specialist in Switzerland, consisting of Helvetic Payroll SA (HP Geneva), Helvetic Payroll Zurich AG (HP Zurich) and 3P Financial Services SA (3PFS) Failure

2. Changes in levels of activity in combination with the improvement of the acquisition of Helvetic Payroll enhance the ambitions of short-term and medium-term turns of the group. Freeman

3. Acquisition of choletical wages reflects external

#biyro Signing a Memorandum of Understanding and Project Integration Agreement with Helvetic Payroll

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