Full nominations revealed for Audio Production Awards 2022 - RadioToday

Full nominations revealed for Audio Production Awards 2022 - RadioToday

Quick summary:

1. Chloe Straw, Managing Director of AudioUK, said: Thank you to everyone who entered the Audio Production Awards this year – it is fantastic that we have had a record number of entries once again, testament to the growth of the UK audio industry, and the people who make such quality audio content.

2. The shortlist for the Audio Production Awards 2022, which celebrates outstanding achievement in audio, has been announced.

3. Hannah Dean – Falling Tree Productions

4. Bernard Achampong, Founder of Unedited, Vice Chair of AudioUK and Chair of Judges, said: This year we received a record breaking number of entries across the 22 categories which reflects the sheer growth, creativity and talent working in this space.

5. Elis James & John Robins – Audio Always

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Full nominations revealed for Audio Production Awards 2022 - RadioToday

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