How to land, quit, or extend a freelance IT contract

How to land, quit, or extend a freelance IT contract

Quick summary:

1. Although the keep-in-touch email is a great (and overlooked) way to land a new contract, it's important to stress the fact that most agency contracts will have a clause stipulating that you cannot return to their client within 6 to 12 months.

2. Technology professionals who work on a contract basis often want to land a new contract, extend their existing contract, or quit their current one – but want to know the best way to go about it.

3. For all the complexity of the IT contractor jobs market, the ambitions, objectives or just plain wants of freelance techies can often be broken down into three simple categories, writes Matt Collingwood, managing director of IT recruitment agency VIQU

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How to land, quit, or extend a freelance IT contract

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