How to Manage Freelancers and Independent Contractors

How to Manage Freelancers and Independent Contractors

Quick summary:

1. Freelancers are primarily freelancers because they want greater autonomy and independence, and often are working for other organizations besides yours.

2. A dissatisfied and underpaid freelancer may badmouth your organization after the job is done, making it harder to recruit freelancers in the future.

3. The New York Times notes that vague job descriptions cause either unqualified candidates to apply or qualified candidates to stay away, and that applies to freelancers as well. 

4. Like a new employee, freelancers lack the cultural knowledge and specific details about how your organization works.

5. While bad freelancers certainly exist, remember that a poor workman blames his tools and the freelancer is a manager's tool

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How to Manage Freelancers and Independent Contractors

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