North West briefs: Big Bang PR; WISEONE; Impress; Click Consult

North West briefs: Big Bang PR; WISEONE; Impress; Click Consult

Recent highlights:

1. Manchester-based freelancer PRs Paula Hunter and Samantha Jones, who have 45 years' industry experience between them, have joined forces to launch Big Bang PR, a new micro agency based in Manchester.

2. Having held senior strategic positions such as the Head of PR for Save the Children, Sam Jones has been delivering successful PR strategies and integrated campaigns for over 20 years, advising clients on the channels and strategies that offer maximum impact in the digital era.

3. Directors want the new office to support its thriving business in Cumbria and Southern Scotland and further develop its expanding client base which includes housebuilders Persimmon Homes, Taylor Wimpey, Story, Genesis, Oakmere, Gleeson, Stewart Milne and Jones Homes


North West briefs: Big Bang PR; WISEONE; Impress; Click Consult

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