Olivia Campbell, a VCU alum, tells the inspiring story of the first female doctors

Olivia Campbell, a VCU alum, tells the inspiring story of the first female doctors

Recent highlights:

1. Campbell's work and interests culminated last year with the publication of Women in White Coats: How the First Women Doctors Changed the World of Medicine, a book that tells the story of three pioneering Victorian women — Elizabeth Blackwell, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and Sophia Jex-Blake — who earned medical degrees despite a series of seemingly insurmountable obstacles and paved the way for other women to do the same.

2. The first female M.D. practicing in America, Elizabeth Blackwell; the first female licensed physician practicing in England, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson; and the first licensed female M.D. practicing in Scotland, Sophia Jex-Blake

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Olivia Campbell, a VCU alum, tells the inspiring story of the first female doctors

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