Pakistan-The Fastest Growing Freelance Market in the World

Pakistan-The Fastest Growing Freelance Market in the World

Recent highlights:

1. Pakistan is consistently ranked among the top destinations for outsourcing Internet Communications and Technology (ICT) due to the IT sector's exponential growth, and it is ranked as the fourth most popular country for freelancing in the Online Labor Index published in 2017 by Oxford Internet Institute (OII).

2. According to a portion of the report titled Freelancer: A Workforce in Acceleration, the number of freelancers in Pakistan has increased at an exponential rate, generating $150 million in revenue for FY 2019–20 with exports to more than 120 nations.

3. While the wages of Pakistani male freelancers are comparable to the worldwide average, those of Pakistani female freelancers are greater

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Pakistan-The Fastest Growing Freelance Market in the World

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