She Built A Million-Dollar, One-Person Business While Raising Four Children Ages Nine And Under

She Built A Million-Dollar, One-Person Business While Raising Four Children Ages Nine And Under

Recent highlights:

1. As the company has scaled up, Beck has organized the company into three groups of writers based on the types of clients they serve: B2C (business to consumer), B2B (business to business), and agencies.

2. To keep her freelance team motivated and aligned, Beck offers bonuses for on-time work, holds monthly professional development events and brings them together at a team retreat annually.

3. Beck also started a sister business, The Mama Ladder International, a year after launching comma.

4. Crystalee Beck has built a million-dollar copywriting business from her home in the Salt Lake City area while raising four children ages one, four, seven and nine.

5. The business continued to grow, and by 2019 she rebranded it under the name Comma Copywriters

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She Built A Million-Dollar, One-Person Business While Raising Four Children Ages Nine And Under

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