So why there are no trade unions for comic creators

So why there are no trade unions for comic creators

Quick summary:

1. Bleeding Cool has already pointed out the speculatory possibilities of the 1999 Earth X comic book series by Jim Krueger, John PaulToday, Comic Book Workers United announced they were forming a union to represent comic book industry staffers, and were launching at Image Comics after aToday, Comic Book Workers United announced themselves as a union.

2. Bleeding Cool has already pointed out the speculatory possibilities of the 1999 Earth X comic book series by Jim Krueger, John PaulVictor Fox's Mystery Men Comics has an underrated place in the pantheon of historically important Golden Age comic book series.

3. But the launch of Comic Book Workers United, representing Image Comics staffers, has the potential to travel a lot further

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So why there are no trade unions for comic creators

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