The Great Resignation: Sorry, I quit

The Great Resignation: Sorry, I quit

Recent highlights:

1. In some cases, people have the answers, but in others they don't… Over the last 18 months, a lot of organisations have been firefighting — rightfully so — but they've gotten away from reminding employees of how their jobs create meaning and purpose in other people's lives and their own lives — the pro-social piece.

2. For many people, the unimaginable stress and burnout of 2020, coupled with the realisation of the fragility of life caused by the virus, has led to a renewed interest in mental health conversations that were otherwise just restricted to HR manuals.

3. A senior content creator with an India-based MNC, Taanya quit her media job after 10 years in the field when she got an offer that brought her more money, position and brand

#biyro #luvmyjob #suratcity #youhadonejob #lowonganindonesia #dayjob

The Great Resignation: Sorry, I quit

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