What I learnt about Bangladesh from Dilruba and Liton, says Pankaj Singh, Founder of Code n Creative

What I learnt about Bangladesh from Dilruba and Liton, says Pankaj Singh, Founder of Code n Creative

Recent highlights:

1. The next time I go there, I will try to meet Dilruba Khatun or Liton Debnath, to figure out – how that spirit from the country's top leadership found its way down to the vast mass; or may be, the spirit was always there and they are now being able to live on it, only to rediscover it in a fuller scape.

2. Fast growing rural electrification, mingled with infrastructure building to support Digital Bangladesh, helped serious players take true fibre broadband to the often-neglected village masses.

3. The delivery company made special arrangements with the wholesale community, organized a special stock pick-up under restriction from all 3 shops of Liton and took them to the delivery company's local warehouse, under a single roof

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What I learnt about Bangladesh from Dilruba and Liton, says Pankaj Singh, Founder of Code n Creative

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