I paid $450 to see Taylor Swift's 'Eras' tour — only to be puked on and ignored

I paid $450 to see Taylor Swift's 'Eras' tour — only to be puked on and ignored

Quick summary:

1. Maria Santora, 28, claimed in a TikTok video on Sunday that she had the worst solo experience at the tour after the girl standing next to her vomited on the woman in the middle of the show.

2. Santora goes on to explain that while she is attempting to clean herself up and shake it off, the die-hard Taylor fan missed a good chunk of the show including the entirety of the 33-year-old singer's 1989 set.

3. Santora goes on to explain that while she is attempting to clean herself up, the die-hard Taylor fan missed a good chunk of the show including the entirety of the 33-year-old singer's 1989 set.

4. The freelance sports reporter attempted to ask security for towels and help cleaning herself but the guards were impassive


I paid $450 to see Taylor Swift's 'Eras' tour — only to be puked on and ignored

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