The freelance economy has grown since the start of COVID - Marketplace

The freelance economy has grown since the start of COVID - Marketplace

Quick summary:

1. Marketplace host Kai Ryssdal spoke with Hayden Brown, the CEO of Upwork, about the freelance economy.

2. I think that companies that really figure out and lean into how to rewrite the rules of leadership, of mentorship, of customer interfacing, in a much more distributed and remote-first way — augmented with face time, face time doesn't completely disappear — will find themselves competing and operating in ways that bring in women and diverse talent and actually let them compete more in their spaces.

3. Kai Ryssdal: I imagine, just given the state of the American labor market right now, in this — I don't even know what it is — 22nd month of this pandemic or something, these are good times for your business


The freelance economy has grown since the start of COVID - Marketplace

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