The part-time bankers earning $200k

The part-time bankers earning $200k

Recent highlights:

1. And it's possible to choose your hours to a much greater extent – while many of the freelance contracts being offered are for crunch time on private equity deals requiring 60-70 hours of work in a short period of time, there are some senior bankers (who can charge up to $250 an hour) doing a steady fifteen hours a week helping out in advisory roles, and consequently taking home almost $200k without ever having to book a tee time later than 11.30.

2. But at the moment, there's so much surplus demand that part time bankers appear to be able to pick and choose – one former Goldman M&A analyst is working on a few deals remotely from a marathon camp in Kenya as she trains to get her time down to professionally competitive standard

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The part-time bankers earning $200k

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