This week in Bungie - 22.12.2021> News

This week in Bungie - 22.12.2021> News

Recent highlights:

1. MICROSOFT STORE SILVER CLARIFICATION Last week, Destiny 2 launched on the Microsoft Store for PC. Players on Xbox can use the same Microsoft Account they use on Xbox to log into the Microsoft Store on any Windows PC to play Destiny 2 with their characters.

2.  In the meantime, the Silver pages show what platform the Silver is for and players can also distinguish the Silver with the following information: Silver bundles, such as the Season of the Lost Silver Bundle and Throne of Atheon Emote Bundle, are also platform specific.

3. If you're rounding out your Trials specific armor collection or aiming for a good roll on any of the weapons that Trials has to offer, this is a great weekend to jam out some rep

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This week in Bungie - 22.12.2021> News

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