11 Quick Ways to Make More Money as a Freelance Writer - Tinig

11 Quick Ways to Make More Money as a Freelance Writer - Tinig

Quick summary:

1. Learn how to make money from writing without relying solely on royalties or other sources of income like speaking engagements and e-books sales.

2. If you can build a successful writing business, it will be easier for you to find clients and make more money than if you were just trying to get by with one-off projects here and there.

3. If you can write well enough to get published, then you should be able to pitch yourself as well—and pitching is a great way to practice your writing skills.

4. If you want to be a writer, then it's important to learn how to make money from your writing.

5. Write for magazines, write books, sell e-books on Amazon—do whatever it takes

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11 Quick Ways to Make More Money as a Freelance Writer - Tinig

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