13 Highs, Lows, And Key Insights From My Years As A Freelance Writer On Travel And Other Themes

13 Highs, Lows, And Key Insights From My Years As A Freelance Writer On Travel And Other Themes

Quick summary:

1. After my article on women's communication skills came out in New Woman, a Hewlett-Packard manager read it and hired me to lead in-house seminars, which ultimately led to my conducting international seminars for HP in India and Israel.

2. I offered seminars at community colleges throughout the Bay Area on travel writing, along with a workshop called From Personal to Publishable (using one's own experience as material for getting published).

3. When my husband Barry and I moved to Palo Alto, California, I used my involvement in Toastmasters (a public speaking club) and an article I wrote on presentation skills for Entrepreneur to help me land my first gig in Silicon Valley

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13 Highs, Lows, And Key Insights From My Years As A Freelance Writer On Travel And Other Themes

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