Coaching Is A Rapidly Expanding Opportunity Space For Freelancers

Coaching Is A Rapidly Expanding Opportunity Space For Freelancers

Quick summary:

1.  The Coaching Federation explains, Increased demand for coaching services is the number one trend ... Previously coaching was considered a luxury available only to senior leaders.

2. But life coaching is only one way the freelance revolution is broadening coaching services.

3.  The International Coaching Federation estimates that life coaching is a $3 billion industry, including 71,000 coaches worldwide.

4. com describes itself as a network of vetted, proven experts across the globe to help you grow your customer base, and offers sales coaching as well as access to qualified freelance sales pros.

5. com, is an important new coaching platform linked to the Harvard McLean Coaching Institute

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Coaching Is A Rapidly Expanding Opportunity Space For Freelancers

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