Employers who mistreat their freelance workers can't complain about lack of professionalism

Employers who mistreat their freelance workers can't complain about lack of professionalism

Quick summary:

1. Also, the court noted that the tutor did not earn a fixed salary but was paid 45 per cent of the tuition fees of his students, and that he could rent rooms in the centre when he taught private students.

2. The centre claimed that the tutor was also guilty of two other misdeeds – that he breached a non-disclosure undertaking by being in phone or social media contact with the students without its permission and that he did not return the centre's teaching materials when he left.

3. Considering his state of mind and taking into account that his students saw him packing up and ending class early, Justice Lee said it was not unreasonable for the tutor to explain to his students that he was quitting because he was not being paid

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Employers who mistreat their freelance workers can't complain about lack of professionalism

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