Freelance Illustration Pricing: The Complete Guide to Pricing Your Work

Freelance Illustration Pricing: The Complete Guide to Pricing Your Work

Quick summary:

1. In short, different usage will incur different charges, and while there are no set rates for all of this, the key is to be consistent and charge for usage rather than time.

2. This can include the size of a customer (you would expect to charge a global brand more than a small local store) and whether you were working on short notice (in which case you would add an extra charge for the inconvenience).

3. As art director and illustrator Tim Easley explains, A piece that takes a day is worth more to Coca Cola than a lemonade stand, so charge accordingly.

4. Let the customer know that you're going to create a quote based on the information they provided, and that can take a bit of time, says illustrator Marco Bevilacqua.

5. 1. Charge for usage, not time

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Freelance Illustration Pricing: The Complete Guide to Pricing Your Work

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