Freelance Voices: Freelancers Describe Freelance Life In The U.K

Freelance Voices: Freelancers Describe Freelance Life In The U.K

Quick summary:

1. Readers may not know Hoxby's reputation as a standout in creating a collaborative and supportive freelance community, while preserving high standards, high talent, and strong growth.

2.  I am particularly impressed with the care the platform team puts into its future-proofing educational services to its members, and its workstyle philosophy that, as Penny and Hirst have explained, We are committed to the whole person, and support a workstyle that fits them as the individual they are.

3.  Hoxby, founded by Lizzie Penny and Alex Hirst, is well-known to UK and EU freelancers in the marketing, advertising, and PR space, and to the corporates and agencies they support.

4. Here are UK freelance voices from the Hoxby community

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Freelance Voices: Freelancers Describe Freelance Life In The U.K

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