Freelancers, Here's Another Way To Grow Income And Reputation

Freelancers, Here's Another Way To Grow Income And Reputation

Recent highlights:

1.  In future Forbes pieces, I'll share other creative ways that freelancers have found helpful in building their businesses and supplementing their income. 

2. But, 38% of the 1900 freelancers from over 30 countries and 77 freelance platforms and communities we surveyed were less sanguine, feeling their work portfolio and income was insufficient.

3.  The Global Survey of Freelancing, a project of my Agile Talent Collaborative and the University of Toronto, found that 60% of freelancers across professional categories either had enough project work or more work than they could handle.

4.  And, AceUp has shown the potential for coaching and mentorship as ways for freelancers to grow income and client contribution

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Freelancers, Here's Another Way To Grow Income And Reputation

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