Freelancers today have more options than ever before -

Freelancers today have more options than ever before -

Recent highlights:

1. The availability of contract work creates many opportunities for freelancers with these skills to take on contract work to fill gaps and choose which companies to work with and how they spend their time.

2. In 2017, Upwork reported that the growth of the freelance workforce is accelerating and has outpaced overall US workforce growth by 3 times since 2014.

3. On the other hand, the freelance lifestyle allows freelancers to save money by not having to travel to work or buying clothes, meals, etc. expensive.

4. In fact, by changing their talent model to include both full-time and freelance employees, 90% of companies surveyed predict they will gain a competitive advantage in the future

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Freelancers today have more options than ever before -

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