Game Translation: Insights from a Freelance Translator - Transifex

Game Translation: Insights from a Freelance Translator - Transifex

Quick summary:

1. I worked for 6 years as an in-house translator in a Portuguese technical translation company, where I specialized in Medical translation.

2. Even though I managed to find work in a Portuguese translation company relatively easily, I never worked in game localization during this time.

3. In an industry where specialized projects can become repetitive and tedious after a while, game localization is a breath of fresh air that adds a pinch of fun to any translator's everyday life.

4. Game localization involves not only translation but also editing/proofreading, linguistic quality assurance, and testing.

5. Game Translation and Localization

#biyro #play #fortnite #instagamer #sports #games

Game Translation: Insights from a Freelance Translator - Transifex

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