Guide to create freelance website, such as Upwork: cost, time, features, monetization

Guide to create freelance website, such as Upwork: cost, time, features, monetization

Quick summary:

1. When building an online freelance marketplace, it is important to enable specialists to create portfolios: write project descriptions, upload images, attach resumes and other documents that demonstrate experience, as well as edit information.

2. After the project is completed and approved by the client, an online freelance marketplace platform has to generate an invoice while automatically calculating the cost.

3. If you decide to add this feature, it is possible to integrate an online freelance marketplace with a specialized third-party service, for example, Jira REST API.

4. Sign up/in is an essential feature of an online marketplace like Upwork that enables users to create personal profiles.

5. Freelance marketplace features for remote contractors

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Guide to create freelance website, such as Upwork: cost, time, features, monetization

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