How I Made This: Feral Cat Den's “Genesis Noir

How I Made This: Feral Cat Den's “Genesis Noir

Quick summary:

1. The moody, monochrome world of the game, complete with a diner modeled after the one in Edward Hopper's iconic 1942 painting Nighthawks, is a product of the design studio Feral Cat Den, run by developers Evan Anthony and Jeremy Abel.

2. Welcome to Genesis Noir, a video game that recently won a grand prize for Excellence in Visual Art and Audio at the Independent Games Festival.

3. We created a vertical slice, which is a 15-minute kind of prototype or demonstration of your game that, like a slice of cake, shows every kind of piece of the game, explains Abel.

4. In 2016 the duo established Feral Cat Den and went full time on the project.

5. To create the visual fabric of Genesis Noir, the pair dove into movie and art history

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How I Made This: Feral Cat Den's “Genesis Noir

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