How to build a career as a freelance cybersecurity analyst: from scratch · opsafetynow

How to build a career as a freelance cybersecurity analyst: from scratch · opsafetynow

Quick summary:

1. The simple fact is that the sheer volume of open cybersecurity jobs, and the countless more to appear in the coming years, make your odds of success as a freelance cybersecurity analyst pretty high.

2. Understanding them from a cybersecurity perspective will improve your marketability as a freelance cybersecurity analyst.

3. At this point, you're ready to start applying for a job as a freelance cybersecurity analyst.

4. Once you have enough experience and have a solid resume of small cyber security freelance jobs under your belt, you'll be ready to turn your hard work into an independent freelance business.

5. The first step on the path to becoming a freelance cybersecurity analyst is acquiring the necessary skills

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How to build a career as a freelance cybersecurity analyst: from scratch · opsafetynow

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