How to find a programmer for a startup: an overview of forums and freelance exchanges

How to find a programmer for a startup: an overview of forums and freelance exchanges

Recent highlights:

1. After all, a programmer is different for a programmer, because different specialists can have a different technology stack and speak different languages.

2. To view the original version on The Express Wire visit How to find a programmer for a startup: an overview of forums and freelance exchanges

3. Plus, a programmer in a startup is the person with whom you will have a lot of contact, which means that you should easily find a common language with him.

4. The bottom line is that you negotiate with a programmer so that he does not work for a salary, but for a share in a startup or from the income of your software product.

5. Finding a programmer for a startup is not such an easy problem as it seems at first glance

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How to find a programmer for a startup: an overview of forums and freelance exchanges

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