How to take a break from working as a freelance writer - WORK FROM HOME JOBS

How to take a break from working as a freelance writer - WORK FROM HOME JOBS

Quick summary:

1. If I know I'll be able to have a nice, smooth re-entry on the first day after the vacation, I can reconnect the power straight away to do the work again on the second day.

2. Give yourself a full day before you leave and at most A whole day when you come back to be unavailable.

3. Don't make yourself file your taxes the day you get home after your vacation, unless you like paying your taxes.

4. It will largely depend on the deadlines looming, whether you have a big project coming up, or if you have a regular client with weekly deadlines.

5. The fourth indicator is Advise your clients in advance That you will be away from your vacation dates

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How to take a break from working as a freelance writer - WORK FROM HOME JOBS

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