I had everything I wanted as a freelancer. Here's why I quit and returned to the corporate world anyway

I had everything I wanted as a freelancer. Here's why I quit and returned to the corporate world anyway

Quick summary:

1. (Earlier that year, I'd briefly taken on a full-time role at a startup before deciding it wasn't a good fit and returning to freelancing once more.)Here's why I proved myself wrong and went back to the corporate life after less than two years of freelancing.

2. On average, I put in about 25 to 40 hours per week, compared to the 40 to 50 hours I spent at the office before, which doesn't include the time I spent commuting or meeting with coworkers.

3. They cover my health insurance 100% — I was paying $250 per month before while self-employed — I'm eligible for a bonus, I received restricted stock options (which paid off this year when the company I work for was acquired), and I have paid time off again


I had everything I wanted as a freelancer. Here's why I quit and returned to the corporate world anyway

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