I hit burnout hustling my 'a**e off', Molly-Mae – it's not sustainable

I hit burnout hustling my 'a**e off', Molly-Mae – it's not sustainable

Recent highlights:

1. MORE : Carol McGiffin defends Molly-Mae Hague from 'nonsense' backlash as Love Island star is called 'Thatcherite' over remarks on hard work

2. When I was approaching my own burnout in 2020, the culture I saw on social media – particularly Instagram – was that grafting hard and pushing ourselves to the limit is the only way, and it's the price we must pay for success.

3. For Molly-Mae – who has undoubtedly worked hard for her success – it's not entirely true to say that you can be a creative director at a fashion brand at just 22 years old with a rumoured £500k salary.

4. Hard work is expected, but the idea that success is achieved through constantly working is setting us up for a fall

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I hit burnout hustling my 'a**e off', Molly-Mae – it's not sustainable

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