If you're looking for a side hustle, avoid these job sites

If you're looking for a side hustle, avoid these job sites

Quick summary:

1. Unfortunately, some rotten job sites snare even careful freelancers with marketing come-ons that make these sites sound good.

2. Kyte is a car rental company that enlists freelancers to deliver cars to the site's renters and pick the vehicle up when the renter is ready to return the vehicle.

3. Specifically, these rotten job sites pay dramatically less than promised; charge high fees for worthless services or demand that you spend plenty of your own money to work for negligible return.

4. But the sites terms — that's the contract between the site and the artists who sell there — give Creative Market the right to change your prices at any time.

5. So we review even the rotten job sites, so that you know what companies to avoid and why

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If you're looking for a side hustle, avoid these job sites

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