Lindy Barrett no 80

Lindy Barrett no 80

Quick summary:

1. Whether the Cyprian Ekwensi writer described him to the beginning of his epic adventure when he left Jamaica for London as a 21-year-old Foreign journalist, Ekwensi would say that Barrett caught "Sougugo", a wandering illness in the burning grass Ekwensi, which turned into Knot in the Wanderers, which led husbands to desert their wives ...

2. He traveled in West Africa as a correspondent of the magazine "Western African Journal", especially in Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, where he also found time to participate in literary workshops and deliver lectures.

3. I first met Barrett in the glorious 70s, when Nigeria was Hayden Flicker, where it was possible to write for radio, magazines and newspapers at the same time.

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Lindy Barrett no 80

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