Nearly half of all Gen Z and millennial workers did freelance work this year as the Great Resignation continued, inflation remained sky high, and people wanted work flexibility

Nearly half of all Gen Z and millennial workers did freelance work this year as the Great Resignation continued, inflation remained sky high, and people wanted work flexibility

Recent highlights:

1. According to the survey, 43% of Gen Z workers and 46% of millennial workers performed freelance work in 2022, compared to 35% of Gen X workers who said the same.

2. Freelance work varies but about half are doing programming work and other knowledge workPer the report, most freelancers are not influencers, nor are they the Uber drivers or food delivery workers typically associated with the gig economy.

3. Outside of just freelance work, a separate McKinsey survey suggests that a higher share of those ages 18 to 24 are doing independent work compared to other employed workers.

4.  The record share this year signals more Americans are turning to freelance work amid continued employer struggles to find workers

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Nearly half of all Gen Z and millennial workers did freelance work this year as the Great Resignation continued, inflation remained sky high, and people wanted work flexibility

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