Rep. Duterte, three other lawmakers file bill protecting 'freelance' workers from abuse, exploitation

Rep. Duterte, three other lawmakers file bill protecting 'freelance' workers from abuse, exploitation

Recent highlights:

1. Written contracts made mandatory under the bill in hiring freelancers shall include 1) the itemization of all services to be provided; 2) details of compensation and other benefits, including rate, method and schedule of payment; 3) period of employment; 4) grounds for breach of contract on the part of both the hiring party and the freelancer; and 5) the Tax Identification Number (TIN) of the freelancer.

2. To ensure that freelancers receive just compensation for services rendered, the bill makes it unlawful for a hiring party to pay them later than 15 days after the stated payment date in their contracts; or require them to accept less than the specified contract price as condition for receipt of compensation

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Rep. Duterte, three other lawmakers file bill protecting 'freelance' workers from abuse, exploitation

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