Should You Send Your Top Freelance Clients a Holiday Gift

Should You Send Your Top Freelance Clients a Holiday Gift

Quick summary:

1. I typically send most clients similar gifts, but this year, I'm thinking of sending a bigger (read: more expensive) item to an old friend who ended up getting me a ton of work at her company, she said.

2. To see what others were doing, I queried four fellow freelancers from various content verticals about the dos and don'ts of sending holiday gifts to clients.

3. And while Plossignac's holiday gifting veto may make him the Scrooge in this group, he does echo one sentiment most dutiful freelancers feel: Always striving to do great work so my clients look good in the eyes of their customers may very well be the best gift of all.

4. Writer, editor, and content marketer Wendy Ramunno said she tries to send thoughtful gifts to her star clients

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Should You Send Your Top Freelance Clients a Holiday Gift

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