Six Questions with Local Artist, Allison Eng

Six Questions with Local Artist, Allison Eng

Quick summary:

1. In high school, I was definitely an art person too – I spent a lot of time in the studio making my final portfolio and just having fun, honestly.

2. But an artist works when they feel like it, whereas a professional artist works even when they don't – and I want to be a professional.

3. But an artist works when they feel like it, whereas a professional artist works even when they don't – and I want to be a professional.

4. I feel like the majority of dialogue around being a woman artist has been centred around the disadvantages, which are obviously important to address; however, I want to flip the conversation, and ask you: what are the advantages of being a woman in the arts, specifically a woman of Asian heritage living in Vancouver

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Six Questions with Local Artist, Allison Eng

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