Tech Gives Rise To Freelance Consulting Boom - Comesite 100

Tech Gives Rise To Freelance Consulting Boom - Comesite 100

Recent highlights:

1. Petitti: Consulting has always lent itself to a hybrid approach, but the broad acceptance of remote work helped many highly skilled workers get off the fence and into the freelance market.

2. To get a better idea of ​​where the new power dynamic is leading and how it's impacting the future of work, I talked to Pat Petitti, co-founder and CEO of Catalant — a platform that connects highly skilled workers to strategic consulting opportunities.

3. Drenik: Thank you, Pat, for this conversation about the future of freelance consulting and the ever-shifting power dynamics of the labor market.

4. Petitti: The pool of freelance workers and highly skilled consultants will continue to grow over the next decade

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Tech Gives Rise To Freelance Consulting Boom - Comesite 100

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