The Indierectory helps advertising freelancers find work

The Indierectory helps advertising freelancers find work

Quick summary:

1. The site makes it easy to search jobs based on specific roles and positions in agencies, such as Account Managers, Art Directors, Copywriters, Film Directors, Illustrators, Motion Graphics Designers, Music & Radio Producers, Photographers, Production Designers, Strategists & Planners, Video Editors, Web Developers, and other advertising occupations.

2. We in GIGIL came up with The Indierectory because we wanted to help everyone from the advertising and creative industry who unfortunately lost their jobs due to the pandemic.

3. Besides providing a database site for advertising professionals and freelancers, The Indierectory also holds physical and virtual seminars, where interested parties can sign up and attend for free


The Indierectory helps advertising freelancers find work

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