The Leaven wins 18 Catholic Media awards - The Leaven Catholic Newspaper

The Leaven wins 18 Catholic Media awards - The Leaven Catholic Newspaper

Quick summary:

1. Cullings' article, It's a Very Raw Experience, was a hit with the judges, taking home three first-place awards in the categories of Best Feature Writing, Best Reporting on Social Justice Issues and Best Story and Photo Package by two or more individuals.

2. Moira Cullings' article, It's a Very Raw Experience, won three first-place awards in the categories of Best Feature Writing, Best Reporting on Social Justice Issues and Best Story and Photo Package by two or more individuals.

3. Moira Cullings' photograph of Magic Scott Henderson performing a magic trick on Nativity Parish School, Leawood, fourth grader Alexa Hancox earned an honorable mention in the Best Feature Photo category

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The Leaven wins 18 Catholic Media awards - The Leaven Catholic Newspaper

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