Top 10 freelancing tips for self-employed people in 2022 :: Freelance UK

Top 10 freelancing tips for self-employed people in 2022 :: Freelance UK

Recent highlights:

1. And the self-employed and small business community are going to suffer and unfortunately, this is on top of the corporation tax rate rise and the Social Care Levy (which will result in higher self-employed National Insurance Contributions).

2. Self-employed workers, this year, should therefore use their own network to explore opportunities and ensure that they are in the right position to take advantage of what we hope will be a thriving economy in the not-too-distant future.

3. Freelancers should understand the warning signs and what to avoid when looking at services, staffing, tax and 'solution' providers in the market. 

4. Self-employed workers need to cultivate relationships with businesses and start to create their own client-base

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Top 10 freelancing tips for self-employed people in 2022 :: Freelance UK

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