Want to change career but feeling overwhelmed? Experts say take your time

Want to change career but feeling overwhelmed? Experts say take your time

Recent highlights:

1. When thinking about a career change, there are very real practical considerations to take into account, alongside navigating the emotions involved in change, says coach Laura Bentley, who works with women wanting to change their lives and careers (thatbalancedlifecoaching.com).

2. This can lead to feelings of fear, doubt and uncertainty, all of which can make career change a stressful prospect – and if you are feeling this way, it helps to first acknowledge those feelings.

3. It's a trend with many layers, of course, from workers being fed up with unfair conditions and low pay, to folks seeking a healthier work-life balance, or simply realising life really is short and it's time for something new

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Want to change career but feeling overwhelmed? Experts say take your time

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