Order cancellation
If you decide to cancel your order, please follow the steps below
- Navigate to the project page in your dashboard
- Open Support tab
- Click Cancel order button
You will be asked to describe the purpose why do you want to cancel this order. This information will be attached to your request to the seller / buyer.
How to mutually cancel an order
When you receive an offer to cancel the order, you have two options:
- Agree on this
- Decline the offer
If you agree
After you click on Agree button, the order will be marked as Cancelled. And you won't be able to undo this or change something.
Depending on your case, buyer will get a refund for this order.
If you decline
In this case, project stage will be the same
Resolution center
Both sellers and buyers should contact BIYRO support in the reason of any conflicts. We will manually review your case by checking the project description and your situation.